Persons involved with Aldrovanda:


 Adamec.jpg: Dr. Lubomír Adamec from the Institute of Botany in Třeboň, Czech Republic, Aug 1998; SH.

Dr. Lubomír ADAMEC <> He has been studying ecological conditions at native Aldrovanda sites in Poland at the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Třeboň, Czech Republic. Since 1993, he has been growing Aldrovanda from various world populations, examining recent world spread, and studying Aldrovanda ecophysiology (photosynthesis, mineral nutrition, sugar redistribution, carnivory, growth parameters). He introduced Aldrovanda to experimentally selected suitable sites in S. Bohemia, Czech Republic, where Aldrovanda formed successfully prolific populations in the 1990s. Recently, he has been studying Aldrovanda turion ecophysiology and comparing world populations at the DNA level.


Lubomir.jpg: Dr. Lubomír Adamec from the Institute of Botany in Třeboň, Czech Republic, in  the fen pool No. 1 with introduced Aldrovanda in Ptačí blato fishpond in the Třeboň region, Czech Republic, 13 May 1998; KP.

Fotosyn.jpg (jako Adamec2.jpg): Dr. Lubomír Adamec in a photosynthetic laboratory in the Institute of Botany at Třeboň, Czech Rep.; FEB 2003, JL. 


Bonn98.jpg: From the right to the left, Prof. Dr. Katsuhiko Kondo from Hiroshima University, Japan, Mr. Christian Breckpot from Baardegem, Belgium, and Dr. Lubomír Adamec from the Institute of Botany in Třeboň, Czech Republic, during the 2nd ICPS Conference in Bonn, Germany, 31 May 1998; RK.

Mr. Christian BRECKPOT <> Since 1993, he has been studying recent European and world spread of Aldrovanda, its outdoor and in-vitro cultivation, and has been photographing Aldrovanda and its habitats. He has gone to great efforts to make Aldrovanda more popular among CP growers.


Degreef.jpg: Dr. Jean-Daniel Degreef from Liège, Belgium.

Dr. Jean-Daniel DEGREEF <> In the 1980s, he collected and compiled world literature on Aldrovanda (Degreef 1986). He has been dealing with palaeobotanical findings of Aldrovanda, its ancestors, and other CPs.


Gibson.jpg: Robert Gibson at Frenchman's Peak, in the centre of Cape le Grand National Park, Australia; RG.

Mr. Robert GIBSON <> He has searched for Aldrovanda in Australia and discovered its SW population. He is involved with studying taxonomy and distribution of CPs, particularly of Droseraceae.


Kaminski.jpg: Dr. Ryszard Kamiński from Wroclaw University, Poland, at a fen Karštejn in the Třeboň region, Czech Republic, 21 July 2000; LA.

Dr. Ryszard KAMIŃSKI <> Studied the historical and recent spread of Aldrovanda in Poland, ecological conditions at its sites, and ecophysiological processes in Aldrovanda plants and turions. During the 1990s, he successfully (re)introduced Aldrovanda to suitable habitats in Poland. He has been growing Aldrovanda in the Botanical Garden of the Wroclaw University in Poland.


K_Kondo.jpg: Prof. Dr. Katsuhiko Kondo from Hiroshima University in Japan, Sep 2000; LA.

Prof. Dr. Katsuhiko KONDO <> He has been keeping an outdoor and in-vitro collection of Aldrovanda plants from world populations in his Laboratory for Plant Chromosome and Gene Stock of the Hiroshima University, Japan.  During the mid 1990s, he prepared the first in-vitro cultures of Aldrovanda for study and conservation purposes. He has also been studying chromosomes of Aldrovanda and other CP.


Pasek.jpg: Mr. Kamil Pásek from Ostrava, Czech Republic, in his tissue culture laboratory, May 2001.

Mr. Kamil PÁSEK <> Studied the recent spread of Aldrovanda in Poland. He has been dealing with preparation of in-vitro culture of Aldrovanda and optimization of its growing. He is an owner of the great carnivorous plant nursery BestCarnivorousPlants (


Rakov.jpg: Mr. Viktor Rakov from Kiev, Ukraine, at an Aldrovanda site in Tolokunj at Kiev reservoir, summer 1997.

Mr. Viktor RAKOV <> He has been searching for sites of Aldrovanda and other CPs in the Kiev region in Ukraine. He described several new Aldrovanda sites in the Kiev reservoir.


Tassara.jpg: Mr. Filippo Tassara from Genoa, Italy, 2000.

Mr. Filippo TASSARA <> He has been searching for any remaining Aldrovanda populations in Italy. On behalf of the Italian CP Society, he has initiated a Aldrovanda re-introduction project in Italy and conservation of other endangered CP species in Italy.

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